14 December 2009

Cranberry bog, Carver, MA

Cranberry bog, Carver, MA, originally uploaded by ch in nb.

The grocery stores are full of cranberries now, and seeing those bags full of identical rubies always reminds me of the cranberry harvest in southeastern Massachusetts. Cranberries in a bog--unlike the jewels in the grocery store--are a riot of color. Every shade of red you can imagine, from rose pink to rose purple, floats to the top of the bog as the fields are flooded. Perhaps all the garnet/rose/scarlet berries that never make it into the bags of cranberries in the stores eventually end up in bottles of juice.


RSC in AG said...

We passed those bogs every year on our way to Wellfleet! Beautiful!

chinnb said...

Great memories, eh?

RSC in AG said...

Yes great memories. We don't miss CT much but we do miss the Cape.