26 April 2010

Special Plants

One of the great aspects of moving to a new part of the country is the discovery of plants that I never knew existed and the chance to grow plants that would never have survived in cool New England.

First of all, bougainvillea.  Yes, I have known bougainvillea, and I have seen it growing, but I never had a chance to have it in my own garden.  This is a plant that seems like it belongs in the plastic flower section of Hobby Lobby--it is just too gaudy to be real.  Except it is.

This is a totally un-retouched photo.  The flowers are tiny white blossoms; the color comes from the bracts surrounding the simple flower. Place your cursor on the picture and click it to enlarge the image.  You almost need sunglasses to look at this magnificent plant in bloom.

The new species for me is the anacacho orchid tree, a variety that is indigenous to a very small range in this part of the country.  We found the anacacho orchid tree shortly after we moved here last year in a nursery south of Kerrville that specializes in native plants.  We planted it right away, but this is our first opportunity to see the tree in bloom.  Look at the little orchid-like blossoms:

Not only is the tree beautiful in bloom, but it also has a delightful fragrance!
You will have to imagine the delicious vanilla scent.

1 comment:

RSC in AG said...

We love the bougainvillea too. Ours blooms all year. We have to stands of them and since we arrived they have taken off with blossoms most heavily in the winter months.