25 May 2011

Blessed Event?

Yesterday morning Noreen noticed a deer on the berm, just a few feet from our bedroom windows, so she  rushed outside to shoo it away.  The deer seemed resistant and acted as if she did not want to leave.  Noreen came back in saying, "those deer are so persistent!  I couldn't get that one deer out of the yard."

Fast forward an hour or so when the furniture repair people were arriving to return some furniture we were having fixed.  The truck driver said, "look at that little bitty deer."  I no longer jump when I hear mention of wildlife in our neighborhood (unless it is really wild) so I just commented that we get a lot of deer around here.  When he said he had never seen a deer so small, I decided I had to take a look.  So here is what I found:
This fawn had just been born!  No wonder the Mama had been hanging around!  Either she had heard that there are good eats at this birthing station or she had just given birth and was reluctant to get too far away from her fawn.

This baby was so still and so serene that I thought something must be wrong with it, and I started imagining all kinds of bad scenarios such as its having been abandoned by its mother, and the like.  It was even willing for me to rush inside and grab the camera and then comfortable posing while I shot pictures.

I continued checking on the fawn every 30 minutes or so, and, sure enough, in about an hour the spot was bare.  Mama must have rescued Bambi!

Some animal faces are so homely that I say it is a face that only a mother could love.  In this case, I'd say this is a face that everyone can love.

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