24 February 2009

Day Trips in the Hill Country

We live in vacation land. This is our first time ever to reside in a place that others choose for vacations, so we really don’t know what it is going to be like when the tourists start to come.

Now those who live in vacation paradises—Cape Cod, for example—might be surprised at the revelation that the hill country is full of vacation destinations, but this area has been popular to visit for as long as I remember. Why? Well, first of all, there are lots of rivers which provide opportunities for fishing, swimming, and, the ever-popular tubing. Then, of course, there are the hills—which ensure beautiful drives, cooler breezes, and spectacular views.

We are nervously awaiting the arrival of the first waves of tourists, as we have been warned that the streets of New Braunfels will become clogged and we will have to plan shopping trips carefully—and avoid certain areas entirely.

What we are doing now is making short day trips to places that will get very busy once schools let out and visitors arrive. I will share our adventures with you as we travel.


Rosemary said...

My nephew got married in Fredericksburg in November and M and O and daughter E all attended. They said the hill country was terrific. Sounds a little like life in Wellfleet in the summer or in Pismo near us on the central coast.

chinnb said...

Stay tuned: got some trips to report on and more planned!