24 January 2009

Weather Changes

I suppose in every part of the country people say, “well, you know how it is around here. If you don’t like the weather, stick around; it’ll change soon enough!”

The statement has been attributed to Mark Twain. Actually, according to legend, tradition, or oral history, what Twain said was, “if you don’t like the weather in New England, just wait a few minutes.”

Having grown up in Texas, I always thought that statement was articulated to characterize the weather of Texas. When I reached Connecticut, I was reminded of the “exact” Twain quotation mentioned above, and the irrefutable fact that Twain lived much of his adult life in Hartford, Connecticut. So I demurred.

New England does have dramatic weather, and a true nor’easter does inspire awe. But, once again ensconced in Texas, I would have to say for abrupt change, nothing quite equals Texas.

Yesterday it was 80° F, and I worked in the garden all day. During the night a cold front came in and today the temperature will not make it out of the lower 50s. There is a stiff north wind of 25-30 MPH and it is, indisputably, cold. Perhaps a reminder that it is, in fact, still January.


Rosemary said...

I bet you don't miss the below freezing temps, snow, freezing rain etc.!

chinnb said...

So far, haven't missed it a bit!